Ask to take Palm oil out of their GFCF bread


Well the other day I was enjoying the fantastic dairy and gluten (GFCF) bread from Venerdi when I checked the ingredients list again… and nearly fell off my chair. “What the….?!!!” – there was Palm oil in there.

It turns out that often when there is vegetable oil on the label, it may be palm oil. Maybe Venerdi is showing signs of being a great company (their bread is certainly excellent – especially the ‘6 seed’) and coming clean with what they’re actually using. But Palm oil is something you and I don’t want to eat and below is a copy of the e-mail I sent them as to why.

Action you can take – send an e-mail to and ask them to remove the palm oil…

as I did in the following e-mail….

Well being a dairy and gluten free foodie… I LOVE your bread

– and I was wondering if you could make it even better?
Can you take the Palm oil out of it?
I would be very willing to pay more and I’m sure other people would too. There is a lot of strong public feeling on the issue and for good reason…
Firstly there is the ethical problem I’m sure Venerdi does not want to be associated with as Palm oil is being produced through the destruction of native rain forests. You may be aware that this has been an issue in other food production areas such as the making of chocolate.
The Auckland Zoo has highlighted this issue already….
and for example published a guide to chocolates/goodies that are palm oil free.
and Cadbury’s removed palm oil from their dairy milk
following petitions by the public on this subject
Secondly there is the question as to possible health effects. There was a study I read about in the last year, which looked at fatty acids in milk from dairy cows fed palm kernel. A fatty acid specific to palm kernel (not normal dairy cow milk fat) was found in the milk. I could possibly dig out the paper for you. This means that it is very likely also going to occur in humans consuming Palm oil.
Could I kindly ask you to therefore consider taking action and to remove the palm oil? Coconut oil would be 100% better – it is a bioactive health product shown to improve glycaemic control and immune support ( although not being a food scientist I do not know whether this would be difficult for you in terms of stability and flavor  and not being a marketing expert – I don’t know about the cost implications for your product).
However, most people who are eating dairy and gluten free are pretty health conscious, often have toxicity issues and need sources of food that support rather than challenge their health.
Best wishes
Yours Sincerely
Dr. Elizabeth Harris


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ADHD – is it just simply a Ritalin deficiency problem?

Mounting scientific evidence is suggesting that – unbeknownst to mainstream medicine, ADHD may not be a human Ritalin deficiency syndrome.

Recent reports link Perfluorochemical’s  in the environment with increased levels of ADHD.

Think this has nothing to do with you? Think Teflon and Scotch Guard amongst a number of sources.

In fact – in some sites, these chemicals are inadvertently being added to the land in fertilization procedure’s – only to end up in our food.

Surely we as doctors would never use this material as part of a medical therapeutic or diagnostic test? However it has been used as a medical therapy on babies to help lung maturity – possibly with little knowledge as to the neurological risks of such treatment.

As I sat with approximately 200 other health practitioners today in a large international presentation on the causes and treatment of Autism and ADHD (the Mindd forum the subject of using our children as human ‘canaries’ came up… again.

For a number of years now, the strong scientific impression amongst this large group of practitioners,…. is that we need to address the undeniably rapid rise in pediatric  chronic health problems.

Not simply with drugs to treat the symptoms. But with rapid and insightful enquiry as to why we now have approximately 1:4 with asthma or eczema? Why Autism rates have increased from 1:2500 in 1970 to around 1:120 or even higher? Why children’s attentional problems have increased to the point where we have seen, for example, an 11 fold increase in Ritalin prescriptions in New Zealand in the last 10-15 years.

And we don’t have to look far. News such as the association between Perfluorochemical’s and ADHD needs to be taken seriously.

In the past miners used to take a canary down with them into the mines. As the oxygen levels got too low – the canaries would stop singing.

Its time for us to wake up from the daze that we are in. That we can pump literally millions of tons of xenobiotics and heavy metals into our environment and not expect to see an effect.

Is it right to run a world where our children are no longer singing?…..

to inform us that we are running into problems with the natural environment we need for health?

See also

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Save the Amazon, and continue to breath.

The Amazon… want to see it still standing? Have a voice at! Did you know that Brazil’s congress has approved widespread removal of forest protection laws? Prominent environmentalists there have been murdered for speaking out.

Health for humans is integrally linked to the health of our planet. The Amazon rain forest contributes to the oxygen you and I breathe everyday.

Other species have a right to live on our planet. But if , for no other reason, than simply selfishly wanting to continue to breath, I urge you to have a voice and take action.

How? The wonderful organization Avaaz – has organized a petition to ask the Brazilian President to veto this new legislation. You can sign by clicking here

Why is this so important for us in New Zealand? Well just today the Green Party has released a damning report on the government which has further delayed legislation to protect the oceans. Guess where most of the rest of our oxygen comes from? Plankton and sea life are what actually maintains us on land to a great extent!

Government inaction threatens oceans

A further delay of the Marine Reserves Bill, which has been in select committee for nine years, shows the Government doesn’t care about ocean protection, the Green Party says.

“Nick Smith criticised the Labour Government in 2008 for having let the Marine Reserves Bill languish in select committee since 2002, saying, ‘It shows a complete lack of commitment to marine conservation.’ Now his Government is showing the same lack of commitment,” said Green Party oceans spokesperson Gareth Hughes.

The Marine Reserves Bill, introduced to Parliament in 2001, has been in select committee since 2002. This week the Bill was again deferred until October 20, after this Parliament ends.

“At the moment only 0.41 per cent of our total marine environment is set aside as marine reserve. We urgently need to create more marine reserves and create better rules to protect our oceans,” said Mr Hughes.

“However, the Government is actually increasing the threats to marine life by promoting aquaculture and allowing exploration for deep sea oil.”

The International Programme on the State of the Ocean (IPSO) recently released information that showed our oceans were in a worse state than previously suspected and were entering a phase of unprecedented marine species extinction.

“Our oceans are in urgent need of greater protection. This Bill is an important contribution to cleaning up our oceans and making our commitment to the 100% Pure brand real,” said Mr Hughes.

Here is a look at the Oxygen levels over that last millions of years

With inaction here at home and inappropriate action overseas, it is time to stand up and have a voice. So if this is something that you want to do you can

1) sign the Avaaz.petition ( or even just read about it at the same link to decide if that’s what you would like to do).

2) If you would like to have a voice about our oceans – feel free to contact your local MP as I have,  to ask them what they are doing about it! (here is the latest pdf listing of Parliamentary members from the NZ Parliament website)

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Diazinon – help to ban this poison from New Zealand now!

Yes! New Zealand is finally ready to review Diazinon. This nasty organophosphate has already been banned in some other countries. Diazinon has been shown to cause neurological, adrenal and pancreatic damage in humans and has been shown to be  possibly linked to childhood cancers.

Diazinon could be contributing to soaring rates of depression.

– Depression is increasing at epidemic levels in New Zealand.

Diazinon is linked with neurological effects which include emotional disturbance.

This has been shown in research. ( Excuse the animal studies …. but you didn’t think they’d test it out-right in humans did you?) Developmental diazinon neurotoxicity in rats: Later effects on emotional response

We use drugs like Prozac and Aropax to treat depression. While these drugs act on the  Serotonin system, it has been shown Diazinon damages this same Serotonin signaling system….

Developmental neurotoxicity of low dose diazinon exposure of neonatal rats: Effects on serotonin systems in adolescence and adulthood

Could it be that our drug treatments are patching up faulty serotonin functioning, originally caused in some instances by Daizinon and other organophosphates in our environment?

The Data sheet on Diazinon also includes adrenal and pancreatic damage as a chronic side effect. Quote …( from the data sheet itself )

Diazinon exposure has been found to cause pancreatic damage in rats by increasing oxidative stress. (26)

Diazinon causes oxidative damage. Not only does this cause pancreatic effects, but guess what the latest research on depression is showing? Oxidative damage… this time in the brain,  is associated with depression. Not only that, but drugs used to treat depression may actually be working by reversing this oxidative damage (the following reference contains both the information on the link between depression and oxidative damage as well as its relation to SSRI’s) . Oxidative damage and major depression:the potential antioxidant action of selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors

Venlafaxine modulates depression-induced oxidative stress in brain and medulla of rat.

Diazinon is fat soluble

The brain is made of fat ( 60% or so actually).

What does all this add up too?

Simply put – understanding acute effects of organophosphates is unfortunately easy. Someone accidentally gets exposed to a massive dose and the observed effects are obvious.

However the chronic effects of low dose exposure are not as straight forward to determine. Obviously research on humans is not ethical.

Neither is the ‘gold standard study’ option. This would involve taking brain biopsies, measuring  Diazinon levels (as it is a fat soluble compound and would sequester in the brain). Then correlating it with the rates of depression in the people biopsied ( and you can probably bet if they weren’t emotionally upset before the biopsy, they might be quite likely to be after it!).  Please also note – blood testing would be much less accurate as it would only give you a result indicating more recent exposure and circulating levels.)

So. In the area of chronic toxicity – it is impossible to do direct research. Large population studies give an ‘association’ only.

Therefore, you actually have to do the old-fashioned thing in medicine ( how we made all our discoveries in the first place). Get your thinking cap on and figure it out. If we know from research that  X causes Y and Y causes Z then more of X is not going to be good for Z! In this case, in relation to depression ( the Z!), if Diazinon is known to cause

– emotional problems and muck up serotonin signaling then that’s not a good start.

But if we look at the X, Y, Z situation….if Diazinon causes oxidative stress and oxidative stress causes depression, that’s even worse.

In a country – like most western countries, where depression has had an explosive growth …. we don’t want Diazinon in our environment.

Now if you are looking for more information on Diazinon you can find it on the ERMA website (see below).

Other sites include….


From Pesticide Action Network – UK

The National Pesticide Information Center Data Sheat (pdf)

EPA action

and here is the ERMA website address regarding the submission. And here you can jump straight to making a submission. Doctors Envirovoice will also be putting together a submission template which you can copy and use. A posting will be placed in the next few weeks making this document available. So if you haven’t subscribed already, do feel free to do so now, and you’ll know when its ready!

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We’re now at the point where apples are the most toxic food?

Are our present worldwide agricultural practices reminiscent of the wicked witches poison apple?

Don’t do a  Snow White and assume that it is safe to eat.

The EWG’s shopper’s guide has just been updated for 2011.

This US-based guide warns about foods contaminated with high levels of pesticides and herbicides. Their finding, frankly goes to the heart of the matter. Apples in the States are now the most contaminated in the fruit and vegetable section, with 98 percent of conventional apples testing positive for pesticides.

Remember the old adage, ‘an apple a day keeps the doctor away’?

Not any more?

With clear research linking pesticide exposure and human health effects, eating non-organic apples in America ( remember this is an American site) could be doing just the opposite and bringing doctors visits closer. How are we as a western culture getting this so wrong? It is urgently time for us all to stand up and start representing our need to have safe food and water not just for us, but for the other creatures on this earth.

What is the situation like here in New Zealand?

Not that much better. In its site the New Zealand food action group ‘Safe Food’ found apples to be in the top 6 of the ‘dirty dozen’ in a 2009 up date.

Now the following site  does two things

1) it provides good advice on how to avoid pesticides in your food

2) It warns not to consume apples from ( now this is a US site take note)… where do you think? New Zealand.

Here is an excerpt from their safety advice….

• Don’t spurn imports. It may surprise you to learn that produce grown in the U.S. is more likely to contain higher levels of pesticide residues than imported produce, according to Consumers Union. Exceptions include fresh tomatoes, strawberries, and spinach from Mexico, apples from New Zealand, and peaches, pears, and grapes from Chile. A report card for pesticide regulation issued by Consumers Union in 2001 gave the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency a grade of D for reducing dietary risks associated with pesticide residues on foods grown in the U.S., citing “slow progress, and much of the task incomplete.”

When the country that has its top listed toxic fruit and vegetable as apples is warning its citizens not to eat that same fruit from an NZ source, it’s not encouraging.

When it starts invading our kids lunch boxes…. its time for action everyone!

And what action can you take?

1) Help look after your self and your family

Organic food– choose organic when you can

Peel apples before eating

Review the other helpful tips at the above ‘On the Table’ site 

If you’ve got wee kids, At your local kindy – show them this report and make sure they are peeling the apples they are giving to the kids ( or better yet sourcing organic apples to feed them)

2) Help improve the situation.

Sign up for the ERMA alerts at

– they will notify you when you can do something free and easy…. make a submission when a toxic chemical comes up for review! It’s simple. You just sign up for the areas you want news on, and the information comes straight to your in box. Any time something is up for submission in your interest area – you can take action at the right time. Each submission counts and it doesn’t have to be scientific or complicated. You can just submit ‘ I don’t want you to use this on food because I don’t want to eat it’ and hit the send button if you like!

Join an organization like Safe Food and pick something to get interested in and start lobbying for it.

Write to your local MP or better yet go visit them and ask them what they are doing about the safe food situation in NZ.

Any other ideas or group actions anyone wants to propose – feel free to add. Make a comment!

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Add your voice to a worldwide Endosulphan ban

Endosulphan has been proven to be linked to increased autism rates. While banned in New Zealand, we are still eating imported food that can be contaminated with endosulphan – a chemical used in agricultural pest control. Visit this website

to add your name to the petition to ban Endosulphan, and please pass this request on to those you know who would support this effort.

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Urgent! Make your ERMA submission. Ban Dichlorvos. closes in 24 hours

Organophosphates like Dichlorvos have been linked with causing breast cancer, obesity and diabetes (sound like common NZ epidemics?). Do something! Make a submission to ERMA ( to ban Dichlorvos.

The following is the submission Doctors Enviro Voice has made. Please feel free to copy it/ add subtract/ make your own one.

Version:1.0 StartHTML:0000000199 EndHTML:0000023395 StartFragment:0000003697 EndFragment:0000023359 SourceURL:file://localhost/Users/elizabetheccles/Desktop/Dichlorvos%20Doc%20Enviro%20sub.doc

Submission to: ERMA New Zealand

Subject: Application HRC08004 – Reassessment of Dichlorvos

By: Dr. Elizabeth Harris Representing the group Doctors EnviroVoice

Contact: Dr Elizabeth Harris

Date: 17th February, 20101

I wish to be heard at a public meeting

Decision sought:

(i) Immediate revocation of all domestic use, use in hospitals, schools or other residential or public buildings

(ii) Immediate revocation of all outdoor uses including glasshouses, mushrooms houses, commercial and industry premises

(iii) Phase out within 1 year all indoor uses

(iv) Retain use in impregnated strips for Biosecurity traps until less harmful alternative is found – review this use within 5 years

(v) Disallow manufacture in New Zealand


Doctors EnviroVoice agrees with ERMA that all outdoor uses should cease.

However our group is of the view that the use of dichlorvos indoors should also cease because of risks to human health, and especially to children through domestic and public use. ERMA’s assessment shows that it poses very high risk to children from exposure to treated surfaces so it is unacceptable to allow any further use in areas in which children may be exposed.


Reasons for seeking this decision:

1. Research supporting a link between Dichlorvos and obesity.

Dichlorvos has been shown in research to be linked with increased rates of obesity. As NZ – along with other western nations faces an epidemic in this area, it is important for us to address all possible causes. In the e-mail to which this submission has been attached, the references to back this position have been included.

ERMA has not assessed the risk of diabetes and obesity. Organophosphate exposure has been shown repeatedly to be associated with hyperglycemia in animal models (Montgomery et al 2008; Rezg et al 2010). Dichlorvos specifically has been shown to disrupt glucose homeostasis in male Wistar rats. Applicators exposed to dichlorvos had increased odds of diabetes and the odds increased with increasing cumulative days of use (Montgomery et al 2008). Organophosphates have also been shown, both in laboratory studies and epidemiological studies to increase the risk of obesity (Rezg et al 2010)


2. Research indicating a link between organophosphates such as Dichlorvos and breast cancer.

Increasing research supports the concept that environmental exposures at an early age may contribute to increased breast cancer risk in adulthood. Organophosphates have been linked to increased rates of breast cancer. In a country where the risk of breast cancer is presently around 1:8, any potential exposure to organophosphates must be taken seriously. The concept of having these substances allowed in indoor environments where children and women will be exposed needs to be addressed and Doctors EnviroVoice calls for ERMA to ban the use of Dichlorvos in any setting.

A number of laboratory studies have shown elevated rates of mammary tumours in rodents (Gandhi & Snedeker 1999). These findings have not been taken into account in determining carcinogenic risk to humans.


P222 of the assessment reports ATSDR (1997) as saying dichlorvos has not been found in breast milk. However Gandhi & Snedeker (1999) report that it has been found in breast milk in Taiwan.

3. High acute and chronic toxicity including other forms of cancer


Dichlorvos is highly acutely toxic, and mutagenic and carcinogenic in animals, with reasonable certainty that it is also mutagenic and carcinogenic in humans.


ERMA’s assessment did not take into account epidemiological studies that have indicated increased risk of leukaemia, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, multiple myeloma and childhood brain cancer from exposure to dichlorvos.




3.             Alternatives


Although ERMA evaluated alternative plant protection products, pesticides, it failed to evaluate alternative plant protection methods. All of the crops for which ERMA is proposing continued use of dichlorvos are grown without the use of this pesticide under organic management systems – but ERMA has not evaluated these systems and their practices.


There are a multitude of methods for management of insects indoors without using dichlorvos, including yellow sticky paper strips, sticky board cockroach traps and many other environmental management techniques none of which have been evaluated by ERMA, but which are found effective by those who use them.



Concluding remarks:

The assessment acknowledged that ERMA is obliged by its own published Methodology to take into account the need for caution in managing the adverse effects of the substance, where there is scientific and technical uncertainty. There is sufficient certainty that dichlorvos is highly toxic to humans.


It has only been in the last 1-2 decades that the field of environmental medicine has seen a rapid rise in the research supporting the concepts that environmental exposures may be playing a much larger part in public health than we previously realized.

The research linking organophosphates like Dichlorvos to both obesity and breast cancer – present New Zealand health epidemics costing our health system millions of dollars- can not be ignored and as a group of doctors we wish to make the stand that we need ERMA’s assistance. Simply put – we can not fight the battle of these twin epidemics alone and request legislative protection for the patients we, and other doctors in New Zealand treat.

The only uncertainty evident here is whether or not there are sufficient alternatives currently available, and this uncertainty exists partly because ERMA failed to assess alternative non-chemical methods of management. Thus the apparent paucity of chemical alternatives for some uses is not sufficient reason to allow continued use of this highly dangerous pesticide and no further use can be countenanced.






Gandhi R, Snedeker SM. 1999. Critical Evaluation of Dichlorvos’ Breast Cancer Risk. Critical Evaluation # 7. Program on Breast Cancer and Environmental Risk Factors in New York State (BCERF), Cornell University.


Montgomery MP, Kamel F, Saldana TM, Alavanja MCR, Sandler DP. 2008. Incident diabetes and pesticide exposure among licensed pesticide applicators: Agricultural Health Study, 1993–2003. Am J Epidemiol 167(10):1235-46.


Rezg R, Mornagui B, El-Fazaa S, Gharbi N. 2010.Organophosphorus pesticides as food chain contaminants and type 2 diabetes: a review. Trends Food Sci Technol



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Dichlorvos – Help us rid New Zealand of it!

Dichlorvos – a toxin who’s time to go… has come!

What has been linked with breast cancer? What has been linked with causing obesity even if you run like mad and eat only lettuce every day? What could be contributing to our sky rocketing rate of depression? – Organophosphates.

And now’s your chance to have a say in the matter. ERMA ( the Environmental Protection Agency) here in New Zealand has just called for submissions on whether Dichlorvos should be continued to be allowed to be used in New Zealand.

Dichlorvos is an Organophosphate. Organophosphates have been banned in many western countries but are still being used in the third world. Does that define us as having a third world country mentality if we continue to use them?

But what is the evidence for the above statements?

Today one of the many references for organophosphates in relation to depression. Tomorrow further talk on its links to cancer and obesity!

Davies, et al (1) quote…
Patients who are adversely affected by organophosphate exposure are likely to be referred to psychiatrists because of mood swings, suicidality, cognitive impairment and chronic fatigue. Occasionally, they may be referred in the context of significant episodes of rage or drunkenness leading to criminal proceedings.

(1) Davies, D. R, et al Chronic exposure to organophosphates: background and clinical picture. Advances in Psychiatric Treatment (2000) 6: 187-192

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Please lobby the Government to change alcohol laws

Alcohol as an environmental factor in health – lets get on board.

Reprint 0f e-mail newsletter from Alcohol Action  from Prof Sellman

Doug Sellman
Professor of Psychiatry and Addiction Medicine
Director, National Addiction Centre
Department of Psychological Medicine
University of Otago, Christchurch
PO Box 4345
Tel: 643 3640480  or  0274-344456
Fax: 643 3641225

Dear Colleague

* Government response to Law Commission’s recommendations is imminent
* Why is the government ignoring public opinion?
* Manukau Alcohol March and Rally August 15th
* Write to the PM now


* Government response to Law Commission’s recommendations is imminent
We have had a credible tip-off that the Government will be announcing its formal response to the Law Commission’s recommendations within the next three weeks. New alcohol legislation will be introduced into Parliament soon after.

What will the Government’s response be?

The three most important strategies of the 5+ Solution based on both the science and the industry’s self-disclosed fears are:
– raising alcohol prices
– reducing marketing and advertising
– increasing drink-driving countermeasures

John Key has already ruled out raising excise taxes. Steven Joyce has recently made the appalling decision to delay for at least two years reducing the BAC level for driving in those 20 years and over from 0.08 to 0.05, using the excuse that more local research is needed. And we always knew that reducing marketing and advertising would be the most difficult thing for the Government. So it is not looking good in terms of changes that will make a really significant difference to the heavy drinking culture in New Zealand.

The Government appears to be working up a grand impression of doing something significant while carefully avoiding the three most important strategies listed above. This “head in the sand” stance is occurring when a significant majority of the public are beginning to support these changes as evidenced by the indicative polls conducted on the BAC levels.

* Why is the government ignoring public opinion?
The Government may have misjudged public opinion, which is running at about 70% wanting the BAC level dropped from 0.08 to 0.05 for driving. They may very well be now trying hard to think of a way of saving face, while not being seen as a popularist “flip flop” administration.

Alcohol Action spokesperson, Jennie Connor, outlined two further possible reasons on National Radio recently. First, there is an ideological problem for National/ACT, esp ACT. The three key strategies can too easily be denigrated by “nanny state” taunts from Roger Kerr’s Business Roundtable. So, even though the science points strongly to these three measures, our leaders allow ideology to trump science, which brings to mind political regimes such as Iran.

The third reason government appears prepared to ignore public opinion is the enormous power and influence the alcohol industry has on the Government. John Key will be carefully determining how much of a majority of the public is required to outweigh the mate-ship and money of the alcohol industry. It seems that the majority has to be more than 70%, an indication of the alcohol industry power. With the country’s editorial comment strongly critical of the Government’s “impaired” decision-making on BAC levels for adult driving and the Government increasingly at odds with public opinion, alcohol could well be shaping up as an election issue.

* Manukau Alcohol March and Rally August 15th
The Manukau Alcohol Action group led by Rebecca Williams has impressively organised a Public March and Rally on alcohol law reform taking place on Sunday August 15.

In fact there are going to be three marches on the day starting at 1pm from the Manurewa Town Centre, the Manukau Sports Bowl and Puhini Park, which will bring people into the Manukau Square for the rally at 2pm (see attached information, and circulate widely) or visit

There is at least one bus coming from Hamilton – email Bob Dawson if you want a ride, or tips on hiring buses from other regions. It’s easy. This is an excellent opportunity for us to engage in direct alcohol action. I look forward to seeing you there.

Here are some suggestions for placards, although I’m sure you could improve on them.
– Enact the 5+ Solution Now
– 5+ is the Solution
– Tobacco Industry all over again
– John Key relaxed about alcohol carnage
– Legal drunk driving for two more years
– Simon Power getting ready to say nothing
Etc etc

* Write to the PM now
If you’re not able to make it to the Manukau March (and even if you can) now is the time to write to the PM, Hon Steven Joyce, Hon Simon Power and your own local MP to tell them how you are feeling about the government’s performance to date on alcohol:
1. They have had the Law Commission’s final recommendations since March of this year and known of the gist of them since last November. Why have they waited so long to do anything? Are they quite happy about the continuing damage that alcohol is causing New Zealand? (see statistics in attached latest pamphlet, also for printing and circulating widely)
2. They have already dismissed two of the three most important measures that will change New Zealand’s heavy drinking culture – pricing and BAC levels
3. Whatever else is on your mind…

Begin by telling them who you are, eg your occupation, if you’ve previously been a National voter, whether you enjoy a drink from time to time and/or keen to see the All Black win the Rugby World Cup etc and write respectfully – they are our national collective mind after all!

Here are their contact details:


Steven Joyce

Simon Power nz

Talk again soon

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Dioxin 77 times EPA limits found in breast milk

Infants are ingesting nearly 80 times the”safe” limit for dioxin. In research released by the stellar EWG ( I highly recommend their action page. If you want to use your voice, here’s where you can do it! I even recommend donating to them ( they are a not for profit),  I certainly have! You can thank them for making the big push to start addressing toxins in the environment including their moves to reduce them in cosmetics.)

EWG reports that independent research recently found the amount of dioxin a nursing infant ingests daily, is up to 77 times higher than the level the EPA has proposed to protect the endocrine and immune systems, click here to access the PDF of the research.

This research comes as another in a long series from many scientific groups working around the world to illustrate that environmental toxins are not being contained. That they are increasingly occurring in our environment at levels which put not only ecology but specifically human health at risk. Dioxin exposure has been linked to carcinogenic outcomes. and to endocrine disruption.

The information for this press release has been passed on by the excellent Mindd foundation yahoo group and the Inhabitots – a site dedicated to addressing the  impact of environmental toxins on pediatric health.

If you are wanting to read more information on Dioxins the EWG information is excellent and provides access to research, here is the link for the European Commission for the Environment info and information provided by the World Health Organization

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